- catalysing energy revolution
- defending our ocean
- protecting the world's acient forest
- working for disarmament and peace
- creating a toxic free future
- campaining for sustainable agriculture
The mission of Greenpeace seems practical as for a mission to be far fetched peoples attitude and behavior towards a particular area of concern needs to come from the values within them. It is through people that the mission will be lived. When we as a people realize the importance of us working together to achieve the purpose for which we are striving then it becomes easier for us to protect and conserve what's important to us and thus maintain an attitude of peace.
National Resource Defence Council
The mission of NRDC is to work to safeguard the Earth; its people; its plants and animals and the natural systems on which life depends.
This mission of the National Resource Defence Council is important as we need to protect the earth in which we live and its inhabitants as without the earth and its inhabitants we will no longer be in exsitence.
Wildlife Spots Foundation
The mission of the Wild Spot foundation is to save habitats of endangered species around the world through the a variety of programs that promote, defend, and protect biodiversity through education, visual arts, ecotourism, science and technology.
Wild Spots mission is about saving homes of animals using different methods that will help to protect and defend the animals that are endangered. If the mission is lived then there will be hope for the habitats of endeangered species.
Reason for Joining
After examining and analyzing the three Enviromental Organization above I would join the National Resource Defense Council. My reason is simply the fact that their mission unmbrella's all life on earth like people, plants, animals (everything that is life, and is important to our welbeing). Life is important, and as human we need to safeguard the environment in which we live. When we do that we will be able to live in a much better environment.
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