The Jamaican Iguana (cyclura collei) is on the world endangered species list as the adult population is thought to be below 200. It was once thought to have been common in Jamaica around the seventeenth century, around drier parts of the south coast. However, its numbers declined dramatically in the latter part of the nineteenth century, following the introduction of the Indian mongoose, which kills and eats juveniles and their eggs. By 1948 the Jamaican Iguana was considered extinct.

The American Crocodile is endangered. It lives in marshy areas and rivers. The American Crocodiles lives in Jamaica and other countries such as Belize, Columbia, Florida, etc. They are protected in 7 countries and can be found in the Everglades National Park. It is illegal to feed, tease, harass, molest, capture, or kill an American Crocodile. The greatest threat to survival for the animal is loss of habitat.
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